Avid Valve fan that likes Mapping for Goldsource (and Source)

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Update on my current status

HLRaven Blog

Long time no see, I decided to make this since well. I've been practicing my mapping and I feel really proud of my creation for the first time.

HLRaven's Favorite 5 Mods of all time

HLRaven Blog

I decided to make another one since why not? I loved making the other one so let's give it a try

Number 5:

GTA Underground

Snapshot 3.4 preview III

Purely love this mod for that it combines all GTA 3D era maps and 2 other games from Rockstar into one, All with their own peds, gangs, weapons and vehicles. I would put it much lower if it werent for the gigantic size and that it isn't mod friendly.

Number 4:



Great mod! A thousand weapons to use and have fun with, this aint your normal balanced mod. Nah SMOD throws that and does whatever the fuck it wants, It gives gordon a hello kitty wand, Or throw soy at people, Or hell throw melons at people. I would put it lower if it werent for the crashes that it has, Nowadays it became less crashy, its just based on your luck. You will have 0 crashes or shitload of crashes, either way it's fun

Number 3:



Great mod! Loved playing half-life with this bad boy, It gets a bonus for the moments where max comments on stuff and expresses his opinion. Thousands of mutations and challenges! Worth a try.

suxin half-payne 2 when

Number 2:

They Hunger


Great mod, Love it. It's atmosphere is what sells it, I didn't get scared of this mod when i first played it, I could see people be scared of the zombie moans, sadly there was supposed to be a sequel but it got cancelled. It had great weapons, Great Setting and levels. If you want to try out a half-life mod go for this one

Number 1:

Garry's Mod

Imagini pentru Garry's mod

Can i mention this mod? i mean i did it in the other blog post but this started out as a mod. Fuck it, I sinked 2k hours into this bad boy and i love it. You get tools to mess around with half-life's assets, and with the workshop this is a infinite game. Get some of your buddies, install some mods and have a blast.

My Top 10 Favorite Games of all time

HLRaven Blog 1 comment

So i decided to make these, why not? i have nothing else better to do so fuck it. Let's do it.

I am going to start from Least Favorite (Dosen't mean they suck, i guess it means which one had the most impact on me)

Number 1:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl

Imagini pentru s.t.a.l.k.e.r. shadow of chernobyl

When i tried out this game i was blown away by the Atmosphere. It reminded me of Ravenholm, The game's concept of artifacts and factions is also great. AI is also great, a little bit rough and wonky but it works.

I didn't finish S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat or Clear Skies

Number 2:

Deus Ex

Imagini pentru deus ex 1 wallpaper

Deus Ex got some scary predictions right, The talk of terrorism, 9/11 attacks, Meme Wars, with loads of playstyles and outcomes this game has alot of replayablity, Truly Ahead of its time.

Number 3:

Unreal Tournament 1 and 2004

Imagini pentru Unreal TOurnament 2004

Imagini pentru Unreal Tournament 1

I had to pick though Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament, I had to pick UT. It has alot of content and is fun as hell (not saying quake 3 is not fun)

And the bots are also smart, i love them. Commanding your team to victory, The campaign mode is nice but it's lacking.

Number 4:

Left 4 dead 1 and 2

Imagini pentru Left 4 dead

Imagini pentru Left 4 dead

I still play this masterpiece by valve, with amazing characters like Bill, Louis, Coach, Nick, Ellis hell all of them. (Maybe rochelle idk)

The game's AI Director makes this game infinite, plus with the workshop maps it will never get boring!

Number 5

Garry's Mod

Imagini pentru Garry's mod

I sinked 2k hours into this bad boy, and i don't regret it. Playing around with source and the assets from valve games, Making buildings, vehicles, posters and npc wars never gets old

Number 6:

Quake 1

Imagini pentru Quake 1

This game is nice, i loved playing it. With it's beautiful atmosphere and balance it's worth playing. I haven't finished this yet but i can't wait!

Number 7:

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Imagini pentru grandtheft auto san andreas

Amazing game, Packed with loads of content and replayablity plus add mods into the mix, this never gets old. It does have some flaws sure, like with the gunfights but they arent that bad, they are fun!

Number 8

Team Fortress 2

Imagini pentru Team Fortress 2

Amazing game, first ever game i spent my money on! and it was worth it. I love this game, the comedy, artstyle and fun gameplay this is always a game to boot and relax! (shame the soundtrack only gets used in the main menu)

Number 9:

Imagini pentru DOOM

Hell yea baby! DOOM! with great gameplay and 25 years of mods this bad boy never gets old! Awesome music and a masterpiece that changed the whole gaming industry.

Honorable Mentions

-Heroes of might and magic 3Imagini pentru heroes of might and magic 3

Il do a quick reason on why this is great, Beautiful Artstyle and music. And the gameplay is the best!

-Age of Empires 2

Imagini pentru Age of Empires 2

Great RTS, Classic. Great soundtrack and artstyle!

-Super Mario 64

Imagini pentru super mario 64

Great Soundtrack, I will 100% give this game to my future child, Great controls too! Changed the industry too.

-The Resident Evil Series

Imagine similară

Great game. Great soundtrack, atmosphere, gameplay and of course Horror.

-Mortal Kombat Series

Imagini pentru Mortal kombat originals

Fun gameplay, Amazing atmosphere and soundtrack, whats not to love? Oh and this one also changed the gaming industry

-The Counter Strike Series

Imagini pentru Counter Strike

Great action, started out as a mod for half-life 1. and great atmosphere

Number 10:

The Half-life Series

Imagini pentru Half-life

Oh wow what a shocker. Considering i have Barney as my profile picture. This game is my childhood, i played it when i was 3!

(I wish i had proof of that, i don't know if i have a video or a image of it, probably on a old phone but thats long gone now)

It shaped my taste in games and is a masterpiece that once again changed the video game industry, I will forever hold this game to my heart, I know half-life like the back of my hand. With alot of mods helping it too!

Well that was the list! il make more since this was fun, I still have many games but these made my life great. Thank you to that 1 reader thats reading this now.