This GZDoom mod totally converts Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom into a full-fledged Aliens game. You must face Weyland-Yutani androids, predators, and xenomorphs a celestial battle for survival.


I am excited to announce the release of Aliens: Eradication (RC1), an 8 map action/survival game, designed for use with Kontra Kommando's Aliens Trilogy (Payload edition) mod on GZDoom. MOD and MAPSET included in zip.

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myDOOMmakemeQUAKE - - 134 comments


For real I tested all the progress of the demo versions but, today I'm so happy to download this. Is a 2020 Cacoward, I tell you DOOMGUY, just try it! Alien IS THE ATMOSPHERE but just play the games...all are disapointing because gameplay unpolished things but here have the loyal 90's frantic action. DOOM IS THE ENGINE. What can go wrong?

¡¡¡ Congratulations KONTRA_KOMMANDO & PAYLOAD4367 !!!

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Payload4367 Author
Payload4367 - - 97 comments

Thank you for your continued support and interest! \m/ \m/

Reply Good karma+6 votes
xaker_1235 - - 11 comments

YAY! finally the full version!
Thank you for your work!

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BaggyG - - 3 comments

Awesome. I just tried this out in VR with QuestZDoom and a peed a little bit.

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Payload4367 Author
Payload4367 - - 97 comments

Ha! Hilarious! Thanks for checking it out.

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BaggyG - - 3 comments

We've noticed that the tracers are off in VR. We think this is due to lines such as:

PULS B 1 Bright A_FireProjectile ("HeavyTracer", random(-1, 1), 1, 5, -5, 0, random(-1, -2))

which is positioning it quite far in front of the gun.

Would we be allowed to distribute a "fixed VR" version if we can correct it with appropriate crediting?

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Guest - - 693,570 comments

This is great, but I'm not using a controller and I don't see a way to remap my keys to the standard WSAD format. How do I do this?

EDIT: I found it. Please disregard. Fantastic mod! Great work!

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Payload4367 Author
Payload4367 - - 97 comments

Absolutely. I'll take a look at it for future releases, but that may be a few weeks or more, so do what you need to do. Thanks.

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DOOMMARINE117 - - 556 comments

cool. i have downloaded it. i was going to download the previos ones.. i wasn't sure which one. is this the full complete version this time?

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Payload4367 Author
Payload4367 - - 97 comments

Yes, this is the complete version. I'll release a final one after some fine tuning and/or fixing any bugs.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
DOOMMARINE117 - - 556 comments


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xaker_1235 - - 11 comments

I just went
passed the company for a mercenary, and I must say that it was very cool and I liked it, but the last battle
was very difficult, namely the predators, they appear too often and there are a lot of them and,and given that I played at the maximum difficulty level, I had to kill them with a pistol ..

(Sorry my english)

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Payload4367 Author
Payload4367 - - 97 comments

Thanks for the feedback and for playing. I have noticed the need for more ammo on the highest setting, while testing more. The Predator spawns do need to be spaced out a bit more, especially on the highest setting. I'll add that to the fixes in the final release.

Thanks and have a great day!

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xaker_1235 - - 11 comments

I also noticed that the gun is quite powerful, it can kill a xenomorph with 5-7 shots, I also noticed that the colonists quickly kill xeno and they also shoot pistols very quickly and very accurately.also NPCs of mercenaries for some reason shoot from shotguns, although it seems like they should from

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Payload4367 Author
Payload4367 - - 97 comments

There are 2 variants of the Mercenary. A pulse rifle and a shotgun version. I didn't have the patience to create all new sprites for the shotgun version so they use the same sprite. I might add them later if I get in the mood to push pixels again. I will explore the pistol strengths further. Thanks for commenting.

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Deadza - - 98 comments

this is really great! however i noticed some odd things. like the Merc pistol doing 7 damage compared to every other class dealing only 2. I went into Slade and changed it back to 2 because 7 was crazy good ha. Pulse Rifle damage and Shotgun damage were woefully low so I bumped them a bit for my personal taste. anyway great job and thank you so much to everyone for the great mods that keep Doom expanding as a game and honestly, a whole platform

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Richie7777 - - 54 comments

Gotta say I think this is a really cool mod. Even just playing regular Doom maps with the Alien Trilogy tc portion is really fun. You've done a great job here.

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ZikShadow - - 506 comments

I have several thoughts regarding this mod:

1. M41A firing sound is weird. It sounds like a bunch of short burst sounds stitched together, rather poorly too with all the pauses and stops. At the very least you could put the bursts closer together so it sounds like proper full auto.

2. Unlimited ammo pistol in a horror mod? The pistol itself is a versatile weapon with hitscan speed, good stopping power, lightning quick reload, and a generous 12 round mag (if you're playing as the Colonist). It's possible to beat most of the Colonist's campaign using nothing but the pistol, not counting the landing pad assault. Might I suggest giving the pistol limited ammo? Maybe have them randomly drop from crates and dead AI colonists if going through all the maps isn't feasible? You could also equalize all the classes' pistol damages so every mag found would count.

3. The M41A grenade frames have you do a mag reload instead of the grenade launcher pump. Would be nice to have the grenade launcher be something you need to reload too on top of the normal mag.

4. The shotgun reload frames just has you swinging the shotgun side to side instead of making a motion to properly reload.

5. HUD has no air indicator and keys list. Makes the underwater section in map06 unnecessarily difficult since you can't tell if you're drowning. Irritating too needing to swap between fullscreen HUD and statusbar just to see your keys.

6. The satchel charge still uses Doomguy hands, the difference from the Alien Trilogy hands is rather obvious.

7. I feel like the tracers shot from firearms and enemy gunmen are generally slow. Feels more like I'm playing a bullethell game than I do survival horror.

8. Personal opinion, but I don't like how arcade-y the motion detector is. It tells you which thing detected is which, it tells you if there's an enemy nearby with the red overlay, and it tells you if there's a facehugger nearby. It's also not a true motion detector, more a glorified enemy radar. It doesn't detect doors opening, props moving, gibs flying, shrapnel or grenades thrown. I realize that these are probably not something that's easily done without doing a bunch of overhauls, but it'd be nice if I could atleast disable the silly gameyfied bits and bops.

9. Another personal opinion, but it'd be nice if there's a way to not pickup things automatically as you run through them, maybe a Use to Pickup thing? I often run around a lot in order to dodge xenos or hostile gunmen, and would run constantly into pickups I'd rather save for later than use now when I don't need it.

10. A melee weapon that you don't have to look the entire map for to even use would be nice.

11. You can't open vent grates unless you're using the powerloader, either that or throw an ACTIVE grenade/satchel through. Not even exploding near them, you have to throw one that's ready to explode THROUGH. This is beyond irritating as EVERY enemy on the roster can just go through vent covers like it's nothing, and I'd get softlocked every now and then because the only way forward is through a vent and I can't open it 'cause I don't have the necessary equipment (map5 comes to mind). A melee weapon that's both useful as an emergency weapon and to break open the grates would be a godsend.

12. On that note, would it be possible to turn the powerloader into more of a vehicle than a chainsaw reskin? It's silly that you can just holster a 3 ton forklift twice your size.

13. The flamethrower is rather disappointing. It doesn't go through enemies, it doesn't set them on fire, and it doesn't even do all that much great of a damage. It's a rather poor flamethrower, I'd say.

14. It's strange that the M41A is the only weapon that has ironsights. The ironsight sprite itself doesn't look good, not even fitting to the actual weapon it represents, and also lifeless as it doesn't even emit muzzleflashes when you shoot through it.

15. Map07, Yutani Operative. Approaching the northern blue key door has enemies teleport directly behind you, IN PLAIN SIGHT. Like I could see them pop up out of nowhere.

16. The satchel charge is an odd anomaly. I feel like it'd serve better as a demolitions/traps weapon than "Grenade 2.0", especially since we have the M41A for that. The altfire fuse is also extremely poor, only activating once it hits the floor and barely giving you enough time to run once it activates. If the trap weapon idea doesn't come through, atleast it'd be great if the altfire fuse activates immediately upon being thrown and not only set after 1 second.

There's probably more that comes to mind, but I've yet to finish the mod, only getting through the later half of Yutani Operative's campaign. I'll post any other things I find odd as I finish the mod. Other than these irritations, the mod is really great. Love the atmosphere and architecture. Some small texture misalignments and typos occasionally, but it's nothing to fret much about.

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Guest - - 693,570 comments

Agreed with the OP pistols. It sort of takes away from the immersion of locating ammo

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Payload4367 Author
Payload4367 - - 97 comments

ZikShadow, thanks for the detailed feedback and sorry for the late response. This project wore me out and I had to step back for a bit. Regarding your observations...

1. Admittedly, there are some audio anomalies in the pulse rifle fire sound. I'm not entirely sure how to fix it yet, but I'll look into it.

2. 100% agree with the you here. Don't know what I was thinking. HA! All pistols will have finite ammo in the final build.

3. Pulse grenade reload frames: Really just working with what is included in the original mod on this one. Wasn't thrilled about the idea of making more sprite frames because I'm not good at it and it is so tedious.

4. Shotgun reload frames: See above. Not making excuses. Just giving reasons.

5. 100% agree. Keys have been added to in-game hud and I am working on the air indicator.

6. Satchel hands: more sprite work...ugh. lol. I'm lazy.

7. Tracer speed. Looking into it. I don't have a problem with it, as is, but I'll see if it can be improved.

8. Motion tracker. I'm pretty satisfied with it for now. I'll see if I get anymore feedback on this before making any changes. It would be neat to detect doors and such, but I'm not sure if I can make that happen.

9. Select to pick up items: I kinda like this idea. Not sold yet, but I'm open to the possibility.

10. Melee weapon: again, no melee weapon in the og mod. It would require a lot of sprite work. I added the loader to it as a last minute addition.

11. Vents can be shot open by any weapon EXCEPT the pistol and flamethrower. Playing as the colonist makes this much more of an issue because that is all he starts with. This is intentional. The other classes don't usually run into this problem.

12. Loader. This was what I originally wanted to do. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work. I'll look into it some more.

13. Flamethrower: Gonna tweak it some (damage, etc). I find it pretty effective if you spray the floor with it. As enemies enter the fire on the floor, they usually enter their pain state. Then you just level out the flame and roast em.

14. Iron sites: Again, just working with what I got. Tons of sprite work required. I should mention, this whole thing started as a map pack. I wasn't planning on any changes to the og mod. Things clearly got out of hand. haha!

15. Map07: oops. Will fix that.

16. Satchel charge: I agree it is kinda weird, and has a learning curve. I began to love it once I got it down. Use the alt fire to drop it off ledges or drop it in front of you while retreating from a pack of swarming enemies. I wanted the player to be a little cautious about using this weapon. It can really devastate groups of enemies.

Anyway, thanks again for all the insight. I hope to get a final, final version ready soon.
Stay safe.

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DOOMMARINE117 - - 556 comments

hey, im using the karos laucnher for aliens trilogy to make it easier to load. its a launcher for all source prots an mods into one palce.

the issue im reciving is this: heres the launcher. it has gzdoom an few other source ports.

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liqmatrix - - 10 comments

Stunning work! Thanks for this.

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Lobo - - 36 comments

Excellent mod. Still playing through it, and loving it so far.

Well done!

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xaker_1235 - - 11 comments

I really hope that there will be an update of the mod, I still go through it once a month ;3

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Wesp5 - - 4,641 comments

What an amazing mod :)! The best Doom mod I ever played besides WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony. I especially liked the different ways the mod plays out for the different classes and I almost overlooked it. If you still work on the mod I would like to make some suggestions:

- Maybe you should change the ModDB name to "Aliens: Eradication" now.
- Change "Choose Class" to "Choose Story" to make the difference clear.
- Try to stop colonists from climbing barrels. This happened too often!
(And caused many innocent deaths and colonists not helping in fights)
- Make the Alien blood more yellowish, especially for the chestburster.
(Once the Predators appear the difference should be more obvious ;)
- Make the flamethrower do more area damage especially to facehuggers.
(Right now it's almost the worst weapon, weaker than the other ones)
- Change the turrent texture, maybe the display color, when it is empty.
(If you miss the text message somehow you don't know the turret state)
- It would be cool if small and large smartgun ammo would look similar.
(I hardly got both were connected when I first played the mod)
- As I wrote elsewhere, the colonist should start with a knife.
(He is already the weakest class and can't waste pistol ammo)

Also I have two questions probably related to how I run the mod:

- In screenshots here the title is "Aliens: Eradication".
For me it's still in game called "Aliens: Ultimate Doom"

- In screenshots here the HUD looks different to the default,
which e.g. clips the motion detector. How do I select this?

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Coinz - - 4 comments

Amazing stuff here.

Small nitpicky suggestion/question: Is there a easy way for me to add weapon bobbing or are there any plans to add it in the future?


Edit: Nvm, found it! Opened KKALIENTRILOGLYPAYLDEDRC1RELEASE.pk3 with SLADE and deleted all the lines: +WEAPON.DONTBOB inside all the weapon files (there are several inside these for different classes!)

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Guest - - 693,570 comments

congrats on the release! really really nice work!

sorry for the n00b question - would this work with zdoom as well? I think it would be absolutely awesome to run through with some friends but this is actually the first mod that is so cool it has motivated me to want to learn how to host tspg servers lol figured i'd ask before investing too much time

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AschTheConjurer - - 32 comments

I discovered that playing the January Update on GZDoom 4.5.0 introduces massive stuttering to the point the game outright freezes for a few seconds on entering some areas.

This isn't a problem on the other two versions of GZD I tested (3.7.2 and 4.6.0), and isn't a problem with the old update.

If anyone's having random stuttering, updating your GZD should be a quick fix.

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Guest - - 693,570 comments

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