Half-Life 2: Rebuild is a modification that tries to "Rebuild" HL2 with new weapon models, animations and etc. The mod is canon-friendly, it doesn't change any aspects of the storyline and interfere with it in any way.

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Complete mod overhaul and fresh start


Alright, this is VERY controversial and allat, but now it's no longer MMOD: Rebuild, but HL2: Rebuild.

And you may ask yourself: well, how did we get here?

The story started around a month ago, when Tau Guy asked Gunship MK.II for the MMOD source code, but he said "anyone can create an MMOD copy in 2-3 days" (why did he make mmod for 5 years then?), we were very disappointed, but then we decided to ask him for the weapons' source code, and the only thing he gave us was... the beta tau cannon .cpp file... (not even from mmod, just from the leak) and we were... very disappointed to say the least. So then we decided to switch to AquaOfficial's HL2:MODERN WARFARE sdk and rebrand the mod.

There isn't much else to say, but expect new stuff soon!

2-month-mark progress


m416__ender, the other developer of HL2: Rebuild here. I know that we've not updated the mod for 2 months but... As of right now i'm working on the mod's weapons, and they're slowly coming to being done.
So here's the list of all the weapon models and animations that will be used in the mod:

(shoutout to MTB)

And here's a screenshot of the crowbar model, complete with thatmoodyguy's hand posing and material setup tweaks:

(she's lovely, isn't she?)

So that's all for now, honestly i'd much rather write an in-detail performance report of the model, but i'm too lazy rn, so wait for the next article! (it won't be in 2 months, i swear).

Progress update


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